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New and Upcoming Changes and Features in LEAP and LEAP Companion Products

May 30, 2024


At LEAP innovation is at the heart of our business and with that motive we continue to improve our products for the law firms. The following are some of the recent and upcoming changes that have been made by the team at LEAP and LEAP companion products:

  1. A new version of LEAP is now available.

    LEAP 2.5 is now available to all our LEAP clients. There are several new features that have been added to this version. The list includes but is not limited to multiple document generation, additional filters on Time and Fees, better email management, support for new Teams, etc. The new version is also required to support some of the new AI features.
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  2. Matter AI is now available.

    Matter AI is an in-house AI tool developed by LEAP group that analyzes your documents and correspondence in the LEAP matter and returns concise and insightful answers to your questions based on the information. You can also use the tool to analyze and summarize the documents and get status of the matter activity.
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  3. LawY is now available for all matter types in British Columbia.

    After a successful launch and reception of LawY in Ontario, LawY has now launched its reliable and trusted AI integration with LEAP into British Columbia for all matter types. LawY uses AI to answer questions about the law and legal practice. Once a user enters a question into LawY, the system scans vast legal databases, extracts relevant information, and presents a concise summary of legal principles, legislation, and relevant cases. The instant AI-generated answers provided by LawY can then be submitted to be verified by experienced Canadian lawyers. The verification process is optional and currently free of charge. This blend of cutting-edge AI and human expertise is at the heart of LawY’s service, empowering you to do more.
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  4. New Features in LEAP Online Payments

    LEAP Online Payments has recently launched two new features in their dashboard to make it even simpler to get paid by your clients. The first option is Card Safe, the feature can be used to save the credit card information of the client on your end in a secure tokenized formation which can be later used to receive payments by the firm. The second feature is offering payment plans to your clients who need the option to pay their bills in installments. Payment plans can be set up based on your preference i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.
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  5. Generator – Coming Soon!!!

    Generator is one of our latest AI tools designed to streamline the document generation and template creation process. The feature is designed keeping 3 critical items in mind.

    - Saving time when searching for a precedent or template. With LEAP Generator’s AI-powered similarity search you can find the exact document, precedent, or template you need, when you need it.

    - Drafting efficiency: By embracing the future today with LawY's trusted legal AI assistant in the LEAP Generator, you can responsibly supercharge drafting clauses, documents, and correspondence, without sacrificing quality.

    - Streamlining: Law firms have more precedents and templates than ever before. Simplify your workflow by uploading these from your computer. A few clicks make them available for use in LEAP Generator and across all LEAP matters.

    This groundbreaking innovation serves as a dynamic time-saving solution amplifying efficiency across all your legal matters. 

  6. ID Verification (Ontario Only)

    ID verification integration via Treefort is currently available on Ontario matters in LEAP. With the new change implemented by the team at InfoTrack, the ID verification request can be re-sent to the same email address if the client is returning to the firm. This may be done on the same or a different matter.
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  7. Power BI

    Gain valuable insights into your data using the LEAP Connector for Power BI. Build custom reports and dashboards to enhance your firms’ analytics and simplify the collation of data across multiple systems. By connecting to Power BI, you can eliminate the need for manual data entry and spreadsheet manipulation, streamline your decision making with accurate and timely data, and be confident you are acting on the most up to date information.
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  8. Ideas Hub

    The Product team is consistently engaging in conversations with our clients to identify the gaps to resolve and one of the best ways for us to do this is to monitor the ideas logged by our clients on the Ideas Hub in LEAP community. We have received some excellent feedback in the past that may be applicable to your firm or may be the idea that you are thinking of, in such cases please vote for all the good ideas to stay updated on the status of each idea, we may also contact you to explore your ideas in further detail and gather the exact workflows that may be needed in the enhancement request.
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