Cloud-based Legal Practice Management Software

LEAP's cloud-based practice management solution means you can take advantage of integrated matter management, document automation and legal accounting from anywhere, at any time. Do away with multiple, disconnected systems and costly IT overhead. Keep all your documents in one place, ensuring business continuity and one source of truth.

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Simplify your IT and Transition to the Cloud

Transitioning to the Cloud is easier than ever with LEAP’s exclusive data migration process. With more than 10 years' experience in law firm migrations, Strato, our world-class software, automates this process, providing an easier and accurate data migration. For more information, fill out the form to receive a free consultation.

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Simplify IT & Reduce Overhead

LEAP is a cloud solution fully hosted and secured by Amazon Web Services with 99.99% uptime.

  • Reduce server-related expenses and overhead costs

  • Simplify IT with automatic system maintenance, data backups, and updates

  • Integrate firm technology with leading legal and business applications

LEAP App on a smartphone screen

Work from anywhere

When you are in the cloud, working from anywhere becomes a breeze. Even if you are temporarily without internet access, work on a document on your phone, laptop or tablet, and your document is uploaded once access returns.

Firms using LEAP make more money